Friday, July 13, 2012

Splashing Around

 Julie and I took the kids to the splash park a week or so ago and it was such a great time.  It was not at all what I expected, as there were tons of little individual pools and a waterfall that you could climb.  The only problem was that I wish I had been able to duplicate myself and have one of me with each girl.  The entire splash park was made of individual stones that were uneven and I feared someone tripping (which Elise did and bloodied her knee).  However, the kids had a blast and never even knew that I held my breath the entire time.
Zeke and Liam
Amelia and Julie


Amelia was half afraid of the huge fountain


Elise Mae

Always pack a lunch everywhere we go!
We are going to go back when Ross is on vacation for another shot at it.  I think with more help I will be able to enjoy it a little more.  One hilarious thing is that we had to park in a parking garage and Amelia had never been in one.  She was looking around in awe when I got her out and honestly that was one of her favorite things about the whole day she said.  It literally takes nothing to impress her and get her excited and it is so precious.  I got us lost on the way back to the car and we went to the wrong floor AND we went the wrong way leaving.  Amelia said, "You definitely need more practice at these."


  1. Amelia has her hands full,she tries to keep you in line, a hard job for her. LOL Fun and unusual day,downtown Springfield.

  2. Funny comment from mom because she use to say the same thing to me about you!LOL So glad you had a ownderful fun day and still finding new things to do with your sweet girls.Love the stroller peek out, Elise.You got great shots!
