Friday, April 29, 2011


I have to document some of Amelia's one liners.

I will say some prayers over her and then ask her if she has anything she would like to thank Jesus for. Here are some unprompted ones of late: "Thank you for Ingrid getting a tooth," "Thank you for my new green bathing suit," "Thank you for DD playing with me," "Thank you for Pop bringing me fish." [Pop brought her a fish in a bucket up from the pond to look at and she has thanked Jesus for that three nights in a row...]

We went to Walgreens for a few things and I had a horrible bathroom attack. We spent a bit of time in gray bathroom stall number one and then returned to our shopping. Amelia loves browsing in a store and is usually great about putting things back and looking at other items. We got home and she was telling Ross about what all we saw and said, "Oh, and Mom pooped in Walgreens too." Thanks.

She loves to say actually and draws it out and adds it to most of her sentences. If I ask her to do something she loves to reply with, "Ackshhually, I was going to do something else." Another one of her favorite things is to create a scenario and then say, "Is that a good idea?" My favorite is when she says something insane like, "I want five cookies for supper," and then cocks her head and smirks while adding, "Is that a good idea?"

Amelia does imaginative play very well. She constantly wants to pretend we are someone or something else and she is furious when I say, "Ok, I am just Mommy again now." The last few days we have all been the Hahn family--where does she get this stuff? Amelia is Asher and Elise is Micah. I am Emily and Ross is Shelby. Ross is terrible at this game and Amelia is constantly exasperated that he can't remember her name is Asher. I am dying laughing just thinking about her telling him, "NO DAD, ME IS ASHER." Also, when she gets in trouble during those time periods she wills say, "Amelia no do that, but Asher can."

One last one. The lady across the street was mowing and Amelia says, "Oh my word, that's funny. A girl is MOWING."


Speaking of yesterday, we had Big Sister Day. Mom and Dad came and took Elise for the day and night and I got Amelia the whole day and evening for lots of fun one on one time. (Ross is on call). I will put pictures up later of all we did. So much fun :)

Four Month Rundown

Elise is four months old today. I feel like she's always been here and we are adjusting to have two nicely. It is fun and different every day. Here's what she's up to:

She had rice cereal for the first time and did very well. A satisfactory mess.

Exersaucer time! She did great in here while I cooked supper and was playing with the toys already.

Not sleeping. Seriously. I won't bore you as I did with the play by play on how Amelia wouldn't sleep, but let me just say it is ridiculous. As in two hours at a time MAX. Moving on.

She is a big smiler and is super ticklish on her sides. Her laugh is a squealy giggle and I love it. Elise loves to watch Amelia and follow her around the room with her eyes. She hates to be left alone and cracks up every time I do pat-a-cake. She nurses like a champ, but has a little trouble switching to the bottle. I don't get to read to her as much as I would like because someone kindly steps in and always says, "Me do it."

I love this little bundle of joy with all my being. Such a sweetheart. Can't wait to see what she weighs, but can definitely wait for those dreadful shots. Look at those cheeks.
Elise loves being in the Moby, which is how I carry her if we are out, and usually falls asleep in the car. She does scream uncontrollably once in her seat, but it doesn't ever last that long. I am far more laid back with her than I was with Amelia and that is miraculous in itself. I have to let her cry a little sometimes in order to help Amelia or get something done. So, I now probably fall in the uptight mom to borderline-normal category. Okay, maybe not normal, that was lofty, but I have calmed a tad and no longer consider myself in the psycho first time mom category. If you feel I am still there, please refrain from telling me, as it might damage my progress.

Elise, what a joyful addition you have been to our family with your huge smiles and snuggly personality. Momma loves you so much and I adore how you have found your place just as if you have always been with us. Kisses to you my sweet baby, and Happy Four Months.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

I've been radar watching instead of blogging. Gag. This was by far the rainiest and stormiest Easter that I can remember. Oddly, it was one of the most fun. It had a lot to do with these three stinkers (pictured with their Easter ducks from Gammy.)
I snapped one picture of the farm before the nastiness begins. Oh how I love pulling up to this view. I am 29 years old and I always get excited to pull into my parents driveway. My child feels the same as she is yelling, "Gammy and Gampy's houuussseeee!"

Amelia loved dyeing eggs and she had an egg hunt inside (sevvveral egg hunts inside) and she was tickled about that as well. She is actually a great egg hider, but then she tells you where she hid the eggs. We will work on that next year :)

The Easter Bunny came and Amelia has been talking about his visit for over a month. He didn't disappoint. She was ecstatic with each item that she pulled out of her basket, but her favorite was her Hello Kitty bunny. And yes, I wore Christmas colors on Easter morning because I am that cool.
She was also really into making sure Elise "saw" everything in her basket. It was so sweet. She got each item out and made a big deal out of it for her sister.

The weather as we headed to church was a rainy, sputtery, thunderrific mess. But, my two pink princesses were quite a sunny sight.

Oh, come on. You knew they'd match, right?

There's so much more--two birthday parties, two firsts for Elise, presents, egg tosses, running around in the rain. But now, I'm tired.

Prayers for those who had horrible storms and flooding. The pictures are so awful...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happy Birthday Lene, from two little green cuties.

And, Happy Tuesday to the rest of you.
The house is a wreck and there are toys to be played with. Bottoms to be changed and babies to hold. Short and sweet today. But, these pictures will hold you because they are oh so presh.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Gammy

You all know that my mom is awesome. It can only be said so many times. She knows what I need before I do. She answers texts at all hours of the night. She isn't afraid to tell me what she thinks and even if I don't like it, I know it is coming from a pure heart with the best of intentions. She is and always has been the most amazing woman I know.

So, mother dearest of mine, Happy Happy Birthday to You. You love my kids in a way that helps me see EVEN MORE CLEARLY what a genuinely selfless human being you are.
Guess who booked their (kid free) beach vacation yesterday!! Wahooooo. I am so looking forward to sleeping. Oh yeah, and seeing the ocean. But, man, sleeeeeep. :)

*above vacation made possible by Gammy and Gampy babysitting

Cousin fun was abundant yesterday. And aunt/uncle fun followed close behind. And sister/sister fun.

Thanks for coming up Steph and D and Ing--it is always a fabulous time when you are here. Can't wait to hit the beach with my you two!

Did I mention--HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! Hope your day is fabulous and can't wait to celebrate next weekend.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Au Naturel

Springfield has a free Nature Center that I have been wanting to take Amelia to and today was the perfect day. We loaded up and met Aunt Jen (hooray for her having Wednesdays off). Amelia was beside herself with excitement, which is one of my favorite things about her personality--her exuberant excitement over absolutely everything. (Mind you, this is coupled with extreme emotion of the opposite spectrum--courtesy of her mommy's DNA).

The following are: Amelia busting a move in the middle of the Nature Center, Amelia looking at some antlers, and Jen cracking up over how into snakes Amelia is. She stayed glued to the glass saying, "Hey Snake."
Elise wasn't interested in any of that but she sure loved flashing smiles at people walking by.
After looking at everything inside--and there was a TON of neat, informative stuff, we headed out to the trail. Amelia walked the whole thing! We couldn't believe it. Elise fell asleep on her own with no fussing. We couldn't believe it. Ha. What a successful trip.

The following: Amelia pointing out a whole made by an animal in the tree trunk, and walking on a log with Aunt Jen.

It was a fabulous day just enjoying God's creation. The workers were so friendly and Amelia got a hummingbird sticker from one of them and she keeps patting it and smiling.

Then, going against everything in my being, I took both children to McDonalds. Amelia asked so sweetly and had been so good and minded so well. I told her I wasn't sure where McDonalds was and she was quiet for a minute and I thought I had deterred her. However, she piped up with, "Call Gammy. She ALWAYS knows where McDonalds is." So, we went. I sat in the van and nursed Elise before we went inside and Amelia back and forth saying, "This is so fun." Then, we got out and Amelia yelled, "No one sees my mom's boobs." Which is what my reasoning was to her for nursing in the van. Anyway, we made it. The workers there were great also and helped me with my tray and with my ketchup. They also made a free ice cream cone for Amelia.

Elise was sick of the whole thing and so I let Amelia finish her ice cream in the car. Someone must have taken over my body. You know what? She did fine. Minimal clean up.

And then, we got home, and this....Bliss.

Until Ross called and informed me he will be home after eight. Fun ruiner.

Honestly, great day with my morning/afternoon with my girls. Amelia slept a whopping hour and a half and said, "LONG nap." That girl...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you...

Eat spoonfuls of Cool Whip with reckless abandon?

Watch tons of reality television instead of doing laundry?

Make to do lists that never get crossed off?

Count watching Biggest Loser as a workout?

Good, me too :)

Love pictures of two precious girls playing?

And,pictures of this cutie?

Good, me too :)

Friday, April 8, 2011


Thanks for your kind words. Deeply appreciated.

And for a few tidbits:

1. Ross is done with his two weeks of nights. Thanks for chipping in so much Mom and Dad to help it seem less daunting. To celebrate we went to the park this evening before we had movie night. It was 86 degrees! Amelia ran and ran and laughed and played. Glorious.

Amelia loved jumping off the tree stumps and Elise hung out in her Moby Wrap. Amelia still loves to swing, but is also really into sliding and crawling through tunnels and jumping off anything and everything. She loves to be outside- always has. I remember when she was a baby and was having a royal fit and I would have to go outside to get her to stop crying.

And then we went home for supper and movie night. Toy Story 3. It was a little dark for Amelia and she said she liked "other toy story." So, we stopped the movie and said the toys all made it back to Andy's house and she clapped. Ross and I finished it after she went to bed and I bawled.

2. I need to start working out. June= the beach. So excited. So flabby.

3. Elise Mae is getting so big. So fast. She's drinking much better from a bottle thanks to Meme's discovery that she likes to drink it facing out. Still pretty exclusively breastfeeding at this point though. Her sleeping has been ridiculous. That's all I will say about it. Me= tired. On a cuter note, she has been noticing her toys and tries to grab them. And, despite getting mauled by Amelia daily, she laughs out loud when she sees her. It's so sweet.

4. Pia was a surprise vote off, but she was boring.. Wasn't upset to see her go.

5. Amelia told me after leaving Ross at work that I would be having a baby boy next. I laughed and laughed. Oh really? I told her that I was just having two babies. She sat and pondered that and said, "Well, maybe a boy." Funny kid.

6. Did I mention Ross if off nights? Praise be.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have been putting off doing this blog, but it is necessary.

Monday I was lying on a table showing the radiologist technician where the lumps in my breast were located so that she could ultrasound them. It was harrowing, scary, and I just kept trying to remember, "Be still and know that I am God."

Last week, as I waited for my doctor to look at the lumps and then waited for the ultrasound appointment she suggested, and waited for the results, I worried. And prayed. And worried.

Then, on Sunday,the day before my test, a perfect word was delivered through our sermon. "Repent of your unbelieving spirit." I just burst into tears in the middle of the sermon. He went on to say that we often repent our laziness or our bitter tongue or our behavior, but we often overlook our unbelief. Oh how true that was for me in that moment.

Thank you Mom for spending the night with me on Sunday and thank you Meme for watching Ingrid so that she could. I needed my mom :)

Ross wasn't allowed in the second waiting room with me and I thought that I was going to lose it. However, my friends sent me texts of prayer and love and I honestly felt those prayers. I was still nervous and anxious, but I knew I was being prayed for. And I realized at that very moment how important it is to truly pray for those that you say you will. Thank you.

My appointment could have turned out any number of ways. But, the results were clear tissue, with no note of any irregularities. I was overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time. Some women at the clinic did not leave with that news. They learned that they were beginning a 'battle. And so, I prayed for them and their strength, and I marveled at another blessing that I had been given. I ran to Ross in the hall and as I clung to him, the tears fell. We left hand in hand and I made vow after vow in my head. I am in the process of writing them down so that I can truly change from this.

As we walked out of the building, I thought of another line from that poignant Sunday sermon. "God doesn't show up in your life just to wow you, he shows up to woo you." I'm in. I'm ready. I'm wooed.

And so, the post has been written. It is quite silly that I wanted to put it off actually. As my dear friend of over twenty years texted me after she got the news, "Now we must raise our voices in glory to our King for such great news and answered prayers."

That is exactly what I'm doing.