Friday, April 8, 2011


Thanks for your kind words. Deeply appreciated.

And for a few tidbits:

1. Ross is done with his two weeks of nights. Thanks for chipping in so much Mom and Dad to help it seem less daunting. To celebrate we went to the park this evening before we had movie night. It was 86 degrees! Amelia ran and ran and laughed and played. Glorious.

Amelia loved jumping off the tree stumps and Elise hung out in her Moby Wrap. Amelia still loves to swing, but is also really into sliding and crawling through tunnels and jumping off anything and everything. She loves to be outside- always has. I remember when she was a baby and was having a royal fit and I would have to go outside to get her to stop crying.

And then we went home for supper and movie night. Toy Story 3. It was a little dark for Amelia and she said she liked "other toy story." So, we stopped the movie and said the toys all made it back to Andy's house and she clapped. Ross and I finished it after she went to bed and I bawled.

2. I need to start working out. June= the beach. So excited. So flabby.

3. Elise Mae is getting so big. So fast. She's drinking much better from a bottle thanks to Meme's discovery that she likes to drink it facing out. Still pretty exclusively breastfeeding at this point though. Her sleeping has been ridiculous. That's all I will say about it. Me= tired. On a cuter note, she has been noticing her toys and tries to grab them. And, despite getting mauled by Amelia daily, she laughs out loud when she sees her. It's so sweet.

4. Pia was a surprise vote off, but she was boring.. Wasn't upset to see her go.

5. Amelia told me after leaving Ross at work that I would be having a baby boy next. I laughed and laughed. Oh really? I told her that I was just having two babies. She sat and pondered that and said, "Well, maybe a boy." Funny kid.

6. Did I mention Ross if off nights? Praise be.


  1. Yeah for nights being over and fun at the park!
    Yeah for Elise loving the park too!
    Boo for Toy Story three not being as kid friendly!
    Yeah for cute pics of those sweet girls!

  2. I'm so glad amelia had fun at the park. She looks like she wore herself out. Elise looks precious in her moby wrap facing out like such a big girl. She is too cute. The story about the baby boy cracks me up! What will amelia say next?

  3. I'm so glad amelia had fun at the park. She looks like she wore herself out. Elise looks precious in her moby wrap facing out like such a big girl. She is too cute. The story about the baby boy cracks me up! What will amelia say next?

  4. Who wouldn't love the park, fun times running and jumping. Won't be long until Elise will be right there doing all that also. Time moves so fast with the babies.
    Oh DEARY ME !!!!!!! plenty with two girly girls..Love the last picture of Elise,big smile. Happy baby.

  5. Ok, I cried on Toy Story 3 also. It was sad. I thought Pia was beautiful and it was a shocker, but Daniel and I said the same thing, not much of an entertainer. However, dan did say she had a record deal by the end of that night. :) Your girls are so cute. And I wanted to say you do not need to lose weight. you look great!!
