Thursday, April 5, 2012

Visit from Grandma Cates

Mom and Dad brought Grandma Cates back from TN to meet Liv and see the girls. We drove down Friday to see her and go on an egg hunt at Gammy and Gampy's church the next day. It was a fun visit and the girls warmed up to her quickly, especially for not seeing her often. She doesn't like having her picture made, but we did get a picture of all of us together before the egg hunt. (Ross was working and Mom was taking the pic)
The girls were excited for the big egg hunt and when we got there they drew for door prizes. Amelia: "If I don't win something I am going to be upset. I will probably pout or throw a fit."
Me: About to explain how it is just the luck of the draw..
Announcer: "Amelia Halsted."
Amelia: "YESSSSSS."
Me: "Oh dearie."

Here she is with her jungle themed basket that she just loved. The binoculars already have gotten lots of use because Amelia can see for "miles" out of them. (more on that later).

They had a blast at the egg hunt and there were prizes in almost every egg. Ingrid was definitely the most aware of the prizes in the eggs and opened her egg immediately upon retrieval from the ground, haha.

We came back home Saturday night after hanging out with Steph and DD for supper and lots of playing because Ross was going to be home in time for bedtime kisses. Then we were off to church for Palm Sunday. Amelia was very into the story of Jesus coming down the road on the donkey and it was precious to watch her wave her palm branch and tell of the people dancing for joy. I am so thankful for her Sunday School teachers and continually amazed at what all she retains from her weekly lessons with them. Elise didn't get the story, but was very into waving her branch anyway.

Before Church

After Church


  1. Pretty girls! I love Amelia's conversations. This girl has spunk. And Elise too from the sounds of the turtle story-can't wait to hear it. :) I love getting a peek into the lives of your girls!

  2. Precious girls having fun and learning about Jesus-yeah!They all did so good at the egg hunt!
