Friday, April 6, 2012

She's On To Us...

Here is Amelia before school on Wednesday...

That is what she looks like before school every single day. Happy and adorable. However, when I went to pick her up, Mrs. Tonya said she had an awful day and cried and cried for me. BIZARRE. She was fine at the end of the day and very proud of her bunny mask and very nonchalant about having a hard day.
I tried not to talk about it too much, but I have a tendency to RUN THINGS INTO THE GROUND. Just ask Ross. She said she cried for me because she knew that Elise and I were doing fun things. I have never said Elise and I do anything other than errands and nap. She said, "I know you played some. So tell me, what did you play?" She then started naming all the stuff we usually do. Hopefully it was a fleeting thing. I told her Elise really wanted to be at school, but that she wasn't big enough yet. She has had such a great year and I will be sad if she regresses now. Praying for a great day Monday.

And ironically, Elise and I did have a fun day and I want to know who has been telling Buzzy, haha. We went walking (and sweating) again and when the long trail was over, Elise found a turtle! She walked right up to it and petted it and then tried to pick it up and get its head. Very typical for little Miss No Fear. Jen tried to keep her in line :)

Ross has been working A TON this week. Several nights, only making it home for a book and a kiss and I know that also weighs on Amelia and her behavior. She has been struggling with her emotions quite a bit. It is either the happiest of happy or meltdown city. Three seems much more difficult than two so far in terms of that. We have been trying to do lots of fun things so that she won't just dwell on him not being home. Also, she has been saying a lot about Elise being in the hospital and how she missed us. Some delayed emotions there as well. But, birdwatching takes your mind off of things for sure. Amelia says that if you look through the big end, you can see even further!
Painting Easter decorations in mismatched clothes is fun...

Skating and sidewalk chalk help too..

And so do surprise visits from G!


  1. love the roller-skates!! totally adorable, as always :)

  2. Yeah for a fun mommy with lots of great ideas
