Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Residency Graduation- 2013

There have been many moments during this journey to completion of residency that I wondered if we would make it.  I obviously knew we would make it, but that didn't keep me from wondering.  Ross always stayed focus.  Always remained calm.  Always kept his eyes on the prize.  So, I guess what I am saying, is I wondered if I would make it.  HAHA.  I can remember when Ross had a week of nights and Elise still slept in my lap in the chair and Amelia woke up a million times a night and I slept about three hours a day. I would cry almost daily and then suck it up only to cry again the next night he left.  The support that we had was above and beyond what anyone could ever have, I am sure.  And to those that made it without family, I applaud.  A standing ovation.  I am thankful we did not have to endure that. So thankful for the residency in which we were placed.

So, as we got ready to head to graduation, we both just kept looking at each other, saying nothing.  We just knew.  We made it.  And as we drove to Springfield, I got very teary eyed discussing different memories and struggles.  As we talked on the drive up, we realized that we didn't just make it, we thrived!  Arriving in Springfield, we had an 18 month old an left with a two year old and four year old and so many amazing memories.  

 Then came an exciting moment.  Ross won the award for best scholarship project.  He worked on this project for over a year and although I asked many times for him to explain it to me, I never really understood what it was.  Isn't that pitiful?  I know it was about pregnant women and the type of lubricant used in ultrasounds? Or in checking dilation?  I honestly don't even know what he was trying to prove or not prove.  But, no matter because it was obviously the BEST project of anyone's.  I was SO so proud as he received this!!

Then came the even bigger honor.  Dr. Fursa, the director of the program stood up to talk about the Resident of the Year and all the qualities that this person possessed to receive this award.  I was trying to decide in my head which of the two Chief Residents it would be.  Now mind you, I didn't even let Ross put his name in the pot to be Chief Resident because of all the work it entails.  As I am picking the winner, Dr. Fursa says, "And the winner is Dr. Ross Halsted."  Oh my word I just started bawling.  Of course I think Ross is the best, but I didn't realize the entire faculty and staff did as well.  My sweet hubby.

 And then we had to say goodbye to the Hahn's.  They took us under their wing from the moment we stepped foot in Missouri.  Before, actually.  Emily was encouraging me from the moment we found out we would be moving to Springfield.  They bought us countless dinners, had us over to their home, bought us ice cream, and truly invested in us.  Emily was the recipient of thousands of crazy Heather texts.  From call schedule gripes, to lonely hormonal woes, to wailing prayer requests.  She answered them all with truth and grace, as is her innermost nature.  We had dinner and pedicures and play dates and heart to hearts.  I am ever grateful for her friendship.  And Shelby.  Oh my word he was Ross's number one, go to mentor.  Ross has always thought Shelby hung the moon and it was very quickly that I realized why.  He answered a million questions for me regarding the girls and came in early to see them when they were sick and worked them in so that they wouldn't have to wait in the waiting room.  He sent in prescriptions at all hours and cared for my girls as if they were his own.  My insane mother worries never exasperated him, at least not that he let me see, and I trust him fully.  When Elise was hospitalized, he was there every step and Emily sat in the hospital room with me when family couldn't be there.  She brought Elise every toy imaginable to keep a one year old occupied for four days in a tiny hospital bed. When Amelia had to go to the ER with stomach pains and sit there four hours, Shelby raced up there and stayed with us the whole time.  Away from his family and after a long day of work.   I could literally go on and on about the servant hearts of this couple.  We love them so and will forever have a place for their family in our hearts and homes!


  1. Our fabulous Ross made it with his amazing wife by his side.Any patient will be so lucky to have hm as their Dr.Of course we all know Heather if we read this, so we know her anxiety levels and how much the Lord has helped her with that through this process.We love Shelby and Emily as well, and so hope another couple just starting in Springfield is lucky enough to have them by their side.They will always be very special to all of us.They were rocks in this process!Thank you from us too,guys!

  2. Good job Rossman !! You deserve every honor they gave you !!! Those pts. in Mtn Home will be very lucky to have you there !!!
