Saturday, May 25, 2013


In the midst of life and schedules and mood swings, there will come a perfect day here or there to push you along.  And on a sunny Wednesday, we had ours.  Ross was off, the weather was beautiful, and there were NO lines.  We had a great day at SDC- one of the girls most favorite places.  And the monumental moment of this trip was that Elise decided she was brave enough to ride the frogs and the butterflies and the merry go round!  She has always had zero interest in the rides and has been content to sit with me, but it elated me that she found the joy of riding that her dad and sister have on this trip. 

To add to the fun, Amy Jo was chaperoning a field trip and snuck away to say hi for a few moments.  Elise LOVES Amy and wasn't satisfied with a hello and made Amy ride with her, lol.

When I ride the kid roller coaster, I scream the entire time.  Some fun screams and some scared screams.  I am not a thrill rider and that coaster is about the level of adventure I partake in.  This is when Amelia told me I was embarrassing her and that no moms or kids were screaming.

The day turned even more perfect when Elise took a nap in the stroller (never happens) and Amelia got to ride more rides and it allowed Elise to get some energy and be able to stay until closing! 

The real reason that I go to SDC will forever be to down a million glasses of frozen lemonade. 

Ross got to ride Outlaw Run and it was so fun to watch his giddyness.  He was almost jumping up and down because he got to ride in the front.  Wooden coaster?  No thanks.  Goes upside down?  Um never.  He loved it.

A fabulous break from the sometimes mundane!

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