Saturday, September 29, 2012

21 Months- Elise Mae Halsted

Nicknames:  Mae Mae, Leesey, Angel Pie Pie

Loves:  You love dirt, sticks, high heels, coloring, and swinging. But at the top of the list is babies. (Right above dirt) You absolutely LOVE playing with your babies.  You push them in the stroller, change their diaper, rock them, feed them, etc.  This could go on a LONG time on any given day. 

Books:  Your favorite book is Goodnight Moon.  There are about six books that you want to read over and over and really have no tolerance for introducing any new books into your repertoire.  Other favorites are, I Love You Through and Through, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and Who?

Eating:  You are a great eater.  One of your favorite foods is macaroni and cheese, but you love pizza, peanut butter and crackers. cereal, bananas, blueberries, and strawberries.  You love all types of crackers and cheese and cream cheese.  There are not a lot of vegetables you eat (can't think of any) so you will need to get on a multi-vitamin when you are two.  Thankfully you can now drink whole milk with no issues!  Just like everyone else in our family you have a big sweet tooth :)
Attitude:  Oh my word, you crack us up.  You are fiercely independent and stubborn.  Thankfully your sister seems to just give in to keep the peace much more often than not.  Part of this is toddler phase, but part seems to be just YOU!  I pray that passion serves you well in life and that you use it to serve HIM.  Most of the time you are friendly to strangers and flash that million dollar smile.  Another thing that melts our heart is how cuddly you are.  You are always going in for a hug or a kiss or saying, "Wuv you much."

Talking:  You will say just about anything and talk nonstop.  You can count to 13 and semi do the alphabet.  It is hilarious to listen to say things that others say.  When you drop something you say, "Whoa Dudes," (like Gammy) and your current favorite thing to say is, "Mommy wook at me," and "Mommy, what doing?"  Another thing that cracks me up is when you are doing something you aren't supposed to--even if in another room-- you yell loudly, "Elise Mae what you doing?"  This means you want me to come and ask you what in the world you are doing and tell you to stop.  Of the four of us, you are definitely our family clown and keep us laughing.
Elise Mae Halsted,
Mommy loves you so much and it is a delight to watch you grow and explore.  It is so encouraging to see your innocence and work hard to maintain it and cultivate your spunk and twinkle.  Your sister is such a sweet soul and loves you so much and oh my word is that love reciprocated.  Nothing warms my heart quite like you begging to sleep with her or running up to her for a tight hug.  Thank you for all you bring to our home; all the laughter and dreams and delight.  Happy 21 months my little sunshine.


  1. She is a TOTal DELIGHT to us all!! So much fun and keeps us laughing.
    Cute as cute can be !!!!!!

  2. Happy 21 months special girl! She is so funny and tells us also Ese funny,which cracks me up more! She is our cute cuddle bug and Gam loves her this much! You said it all perfectly.Love that top picture and the precious outfit your friend found.
