Monday, August 27, 2012

Zoo School

 This summer, Amelia got to participate in two Z.E.B.R.A. classes (Zoo Education Broadens the Realization of Animals) and she was so excited to head to our first one.  The teacher was a PRECIOUS volunteer who did a fabulous job with the kids and Amelia loved her.  The first animal that she brought out was a Monte the python and this was Amelia's reaction when she realized what it was.

 She also saw a tenric which is a little guy that looks like a hedgehog.  He was adorable and I got to pet him!  All the animals we saw and learned about in our first session were from Madagascar.  Amelia even petted a hissing cockroach.  YUCK!!

Marble painting box

Painting her tenrec

With her teacher Mrs. Sleight
The next session we learned about animal coverings:  fur, feathers, and scales.  Amelia loved the turtle that she brought out for us to see. 
But her and I both had a definite favorite and it was this little owl.  How cute is he?

Hard at work

Painting with a feather

 It was so much fun to spend time with Amelia and I actually loved the classes too.  Mom came up and watched Elise one day and Dad came up and watched her the next session and I was so grateful.  The girls like to be away from each other less and less and miss each other when they are separated.  But, I still like to soak up my time with them separately every once in a while.  The list for the fall Z.E.B.R.A. classes is out and I'm wanting to sign us up for some more!

1 comment:

  1. Wooohoo fall ones too-awesome! Those were so neat and I love all the photos.I am glad your children love the zoo as much as you do!They had the greatest craft ideas too. We had fun with Elise Mae while you two had fun with animals!
