Wednesday, December 18, 2013


 When we were discussing moving to Mountain Home, Amelia asked about snowfall and I told her that we wouldn't get nearly as much as we had gotten in Ozark.  She was disappointed because winter is her favorite.  This girl could play in the snow for hours and hours.  NO complaining. 

Well, lo and behold if our first winter here (technically still fall) we don't get TEN INCHES.  It was so beautiful and such a fun little present from God.  It honestly felt like it was just for us.  Amelia even said, "God probably did this because you said we wouldn't have much snow."  Haha.  We played and played. 


  1. I love this pictures, so reminds me of winters with you and Stephy here on the farm. So glad they love snow,I DO TOO !!!!!!

  2. They had so much thanks to their momma! It was a great snow and glad they had good snow gear!
