Monday, September 16, 2013

Ross is 30!!!

Little ole Ross finally turned 30.  Amelia was pointing out over and over that I was older than her dad and how "WEIRD" that was since he was bigger than me.  We talked about it forever and she finally just dropped it, but I'm not sure it ever made sense to her, haha.  Love that girl and our conversations.  We had a party for Ross and Derek and Tom and it was a blast.  Derek turned 30 as well and Tom is 30 and some change, hehe.  There was delicious food and a Mexican theme, complete with a donkey pinata. 

Our family has always had a blast together, but I just love how much life these four precious girls have breathed into our crew.  Such an awesome way they all entered our world in a row and just as unique as they can be.  Ross and Derek took off camping in the bus and after naps we headed to the Hot Air Balloon Festival.  It was breathtaking!  I loved seeing them up close and all of us (minus Liv) got to experience a tethered ride.  I couldn't believe all three of the girls did it because I was mildly nervous myself.

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to celebrate and ride in the balloon with our brave girls!
