Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Oh man, the nerves.  Momma was so nervous on the first day, but luckily the girls weren't.  Amelia did so much better this year.  Largely in part to already knowing Finley, but also just being more mature.  It was so awesome to watch her walk into her class and not hold on to me or get super teary due to nerves.  Praise!  Elise was very ready and I was not that worried about her except for at nap.  She walked in and waved me off and was playing a big game of animals by the time I peeked back in.  It is weird how I often wish I just had an hour or two to get some laundry done or something cooked or bills paid, but the moment I dropped them off, I just sobbed and wanted to stay in the parking lot.  Haha.

Amelia has continued to do great!  She has already earned an item out of the treasure chest for good behavior (a beaded cross ring) and has had nothing but huge smiles every day. She cried TWICE because it was time to leave school.  I am so excited for them to really get into their curriculum in the coming weeks! I sit in the parking lot like a crazy woman at least 20 minutes before it is time for them to come out because I cannot wait to hear about their day.

Elise has struggled quite a bit with naps.  They lay down for naps insanely early- 11:15- and she isn't the least bit tired.  She has cried for me or asked to just play and that is a huge adjustment for her.  We lay down at one for naps at home, so the schedule is just entirely different.  I am so proud of her though for laying down and going to sleep anyway.  For a sweet baby who has never been away from her mama, she has done fabulous.  I intended on her going M and W and having some time with me on Fridays, but she balked at that and wanted to go on Fridays because Amelia does.  It wasn't worth the fight, so I have let her go the past two Fridays.  WAHH.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier that they are adjusting well and love it.  School was such a safe, happy place for me.  I loved learning and friendships and sports and my teachers and I just get giddy thinking about school being that for my two.  Here are some pre-school preschool shots.  I know.  I am hilarious.


  1. Great adjustment for all 3 of you.LOL So thankful for all the good days they have in
    school. Wonder how long these matching outfits will go on. LOL LOL They LOOK SO CUTE!!!!!

  2. Matching balloon pants coming They look precious every day and I am happy they are happy. Amelia has had two years of preschool to help her be ready to rock pre-k!
