Friday, August 30, 2013

Doctor Lake Day

 Ross's clinic had a Lake Day for all the staff.  A bunch of the doctors brought their boats and invited the families of all the employees to gather for the day and it was a blast!  They were all welcoming and nice- which might I add seems to be a general theme around here.  The girls fed the fish and would have been happy if that was all; they loved it.  Might I add that Ross and I had no change and one of the wives immediately got some change for these sweet girls.

Hanging out on Dr. Bruton's boat

 The girls tubed for the first time!!  Ross and I were on either side of them and they loved it.  Okay, Amelia wanted to love it, but was a nervous wreck and Elise genuinely loved it.  It was a super fun day and Amelia drew a picture of this very thing on her first day of preschool, calling it her "Greatest Summer Memory."  So presh.

 Elise zonked out on the boat ride back and Amelia did as well.  Sleepy lake-goers.

1 comment:

  1. NICE and FRIENDLY is definitely what MT Home has been for you guys.God put you right where you needed to be. I am so thankful for answered prayers and wonderful outings with friends.
