Umm, I only post pictures of her smiling. I usually don't post much that is negative when it pertains to Amelia because she is so stinking cute and actually, she is a very hapy girl. However, she does have her moments, and tonight, I will be a bit more honest..transparent if you will..on the trials of motherhood.
- Car-Seat Chaos. Amelia wails at the sight of her carseat on most days. She screamed bloody murder on the way home from Kroger tonight. When she is really on her game, she will pinch the fire out of my arm as we approach the car, as if daring me to put her in. I am getting much better at-gasp-ignoring her cries.
- Sleeping Situation. Hmm. Amelia is still held for EVERY nap she takes. At night, I rock her to sleep and hold her (or Ross holds her) while we watch t.v and the other person cleans up, etc. When it is time for bed, she lays down with us. Sometimes she lets me lay her down next to me and sometimes I hold her on my stomach. She wakes up for a bottle still every night and then i rock her back to sleep. Ross and I were discussing that this obviously doesn't bother us enough to try any other methods right now. When she is one, we are going to really look at better sleeping solutions, but for now, we're keeping on keeping on.
- Teething. The first two teeth weren't really that bad, but she is cutting the top two right now and man I wish they would just poke on through. She wants to be held, held, held. Several times today I tried to hand her off to Ross and she screamed until I got her back. And occasionally, she didn't even want me. Even though it is annoying, I mostly just feel really sorry for her and those swollen gums.
But, when you watch this little girl push her new toy across the whole apartment today, who cares about those things? (okay, well, the car seat thing does reallllly get old)
We are back in Little Rock and we have just been taking it easy and putting up some Christmas decorations. Please note these adorable elephant jammies from Gammy and Gampy.
So, transparent doesn't feel as fun as this sneak peak from Uncle D's photo shoot:
But, I understand the necessity. So, my loyal Amelia-lovers, the gal can throw down a sassy little fit just like her mama. However, she can also be the life of the party, just like her.. Oh, blush. Mama.
Cuteness beyond measure-haha and oh yes she is like her Mamma-LOL Her jammies fit so cute :)
ReplyDeleteLook at that green grass at the end of Nov. Gam
I can see how it's easy to look past the frustrating parts cause she is just too cute. As for the car seat, is she in a convertable seat or an infant carrier? Bentley was much happier once we put him in the convertable seat and he could look around more.
ReplyDeleteThe convertable might help because she will be sitting up more. If that doesn't help, you can just hope once you turn her forward facing she will stop. For the most part we don't have a problem with car rides, but when we do... it's bad.
ReplyDeleteShe looks so cute in the flowered pants that SHE picked out. Love the ellie pjs too. They look really cute on her. I just saw your Christmas cards. They are the best ever. You will love them. teeheehee.
ReplyDeleteExactly like her Mama in every way!!! Absolute adorable pictures on Derek's website by the way!! I can't wait for my Christmas Card!!!! I miss you!! Call me!!